6A- Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

For this assignment, I searched for four opportunities related to economic and regulatory trends:

1. The first opportunity related to economic trends that I could come up with is technology in the housing market. As the housing market continues to grow in this country, more technological products continue to be developed. Examples of this include the new alarm systems and the "smart" locks that record you as you ring the door bell. Innovation in this market will only continue to grow with the emergence of satellite WiFi by Google. The prototypical customer would be someone who is buying a home and wants the latest technology available. I found this opportunity by reading a real estate magazine. My future desires helped me to form this opportunity because I started thinking about how profitable it would be if I could create a product that is sold on a mass scale to every home buyer in the country. This opportunity would be difficult to exploit because it would be costly to develop a product that could compete with the more familiar companies in this market. 

2. The second opportunity related to economic trends in the current market is job outsourcing. If a company can enter a competitive industry and outsource jobs, it will spend significantly less than its competitors on labor and they could have the potential to take over the market. The opportunity I thought of was to start up a business whose goal is to find potential workers for other companies that are looking for outsourcing.  I found this opportunity while watching CNN probably because I've always been interested in how business works at the international level. The prototypical customer 
 would be companies interested in outsourcing that have the capital to pay for our service. This opportunity would be difficult to exploit because it would require us to have some sort of connection with someone in China. 

3. Looking at regulatory trends, opening up a restaurant that sells liquor is heavily regulated, expensive, and requires a license. This doesn't stop the thousands of places around the country from not paying for the license because after a year of operating they begin to profit due to the high demand among Americans for alcohol. This could be an opportunity for a company that sells a substantial product in the liquor industry (such as a cup that stays cold for beer), to partner with an up and coming restaurant so that their cup can be used by people who order a beer. I thought of this opportunity while eating at ale house today. The prototypical customer in this scenario would be restaurants, specifically, sports bars would work best for this cup. This opportunity wouldn't difficult to exploit because it wouldn't be too expensive to produce this cup in comparison to something in the tech industry. 

4. The last opportunity I found related to regulatory trends was based on cryptocurrencies. The crypto industry is expected to see regulation in place to support new crypto projects. One opportunity I came up with based on this is starting up a company that teaches people how to trade crypto. I would have to become very knowledgable on it before I could do this so it could be difficult. The advice would be based on recent reports of changes in the industry and regulation.  The prototypical customer would be an aspiring crypto trader that needs someone to guide them through the beginning phase. I thought of this opportunity while seeing my roommate trade crypto and it's based on my desire to make money by investing.


  1. Hi Felipe, overall your responses are great, very detailed and easy to understand. I took a different approach when completing this assignment and looked up news stories relation to economic trends and regulations, but I like that you were able to think of relevant events on your own. For instance, I agree that as technology becomes a greater part of our lives, your points about new tech within the housing market and cryptocurrencies are opportunities we should all be aware of.


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