7A- Testing the Hypothesis Pt.1

1. The opportunity that I selected is people going to a supermarket late at night and there not being enough registers open.

2. Who: Supermarket

    What: Many people will go to the supermarket in the late hours and will have to wait a significant amount of time in the self-service line because of there not being enough registers open.

    Why: Companies can't afford to pay for enough workers during these hours.

3. Hypothesis: If we could make a cheaper self-scanner product than supermarkets would be able to buy a significant amount of these and this will lead to increased customer satisfaction due to significantly shorter wait lines.
Testing the who: All supermarkets could benefit from this, but Walmart could especially benefit from this due to the fact that many of their stores are 24 hours.
Testing the what: Although there is usually like 6 self-scanners open, this is not enough to satisfy the influx of people when there is a shortage of workers.
Testing the why: Companies would rather save money during these hours so they don't schedule enough workers. In their mind, the number of people that come in during these hours is low in comparison to the number that come shop during the day. This why holds for most stores in this industry.

I interviewed 4 people in my classes based on this and it seemed like they were all for increasing the number of self-scanners in these stores. We could all agree that when we visit these supermarkets, it is easy to tell that many of the workers aren't interested in the task at hand. They often work slow and at their own pace. One of my classmates said "the problem with this is it leaves people like me to be able to think negatively about my experience at the store." This is true because after waiting in line for longer than 15 minutes many customers will leave dissatisfied and report this experience to friends. An argument against this is that people will lose the social aspect of going to the store and talking to a cashier. Although this may be true, people would rather see this happen if it means getting out the store faster. Therefore, a cheaper self-scanner that can replace all cashiers would be of great benefit for both the supermarket, the consumer, and myself as the innovator of this product.


  1. Hi Felipe, after reading your post, I think that the opportunity you thought of would be beneficial to store customers, the supermarket, and the maker of the product. In some stores, there are already self-scanners, but there are only a limited amount and lines still tend to build up, so, your product would increase convenience for customers and could easily be a success.


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